Welcome Beta Users

Thank you for agreeing to be a beta user for our CRYOcheck™ Chromogenic Factor VIII interlab QC tool.

Getting Started

Interlab QC is accessed via our customer portal. If you are not already registered for the portal, the first step is to sign up at my.precisionbiologic.com.  Simply fill out the form and we will send your credentials via email.

Once you have access to the portal, please enter your monthly QC data at the beginning of each month for the preceding month. We are asking our beta users to enter their QC data for November 2024 as a starting point. You will receive an automatic email notification at the beginning of each month reminding you to enter your data and a second email on the fifteenth indicating it is time to generate your interlab QC report.

To help you get started, we have put together a short instructional video covering how to access the portal and enter your QC data.

Watch the Video

Getting Help

If you have any questions, please contact your Account Manager or Customer Care or refer to our instruction sheet.