Placing an order couldn’t be easier. Below are helpful tips to get you started. If you have additional questions, our friendly Customer Care team is here to help.

How do I place an order?

Choose the method that works best for you:

    • Use our online form to send us a Purchase Order
    • Call Customer Care at 1.800.267.2796 x 1
    • Fax a purchase order to 1.800.267.0796

Electronic Data Interchange (or EDI) is also an option that Customer Care would be happy to discuss with you. EDI enables the electronic processing of purchase orders, order acknowledgements, invoices, and advanced ship notices.

What details do I need to place an order?

Please be sure to include the following details with your order:

    • Name of your organization
    • Contact name and information
    • Product name and catalog number (refer to Products section)
    • Quantity required

If this is your first time ordering from us we’ll also need:

    • Completed credit application form
    • Completed U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Form 5106 – Importer Identity Form (U.S. shipments only)
      Note: the information provided on the Importer Identity Form is used by CBP to process shipments and facilitates timely delivery.


Our hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 8:30am–5pm Atlantic (7:30am–4pm Eastern).

The local time at Precision BioLogic is Friday, 13:25pm. Office is open.

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